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Leotia lubrica
Family: LeotiaceaeGenus: Leotia
Conidial morph: not known.
Stromata absent. Ascomata apothecia, in clusters, the fertile head (hymenium) to 12 mm diam., convex with a lobed overhanging margin, greenish yellow to olivaceous, somewhat viscid, the flesh gelatinous. Stipe often elongate, to ca 60 mm in length and 8 mm diam., ± cylindrical or somewhat tapered towards the base, yellow to yellowish brown, often granular-pustulate. Interascal tissue of narrow thin-walled paraphyses, often branched near the apex, the apex slightly clavate. Asci 120-150 x 11-13.5 µm, narrowly clavate, the stipe gradually tapering, the apex rounded, thin-walled, not fissitunicate, the wall immediately around the apex slightly thickened but without any ring structure, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged obliquely uniseriately, 20-23.5 x 5.5-7 µm, fusiform, often inaequilateral, hyaline, often aseptate but sometimes appearing to become 3- to 7-septate when very mature [this probably due to juxtaposition of guttules], thin-walled, smooth, without a gelatinous sheath.