Leotia lubrica
Conidial morph: not known.
Stromata absent. Ascomata apothecia, in clusters, the fertile head (hymenium) to 12 mm diam., convex with a lobed overhanging margin, greenish yellow to olivaceous, somewhat viscid, the flesh gelatinous. Stipe often elongate, to ca 60 mm in length and 8 mm diam., ± cylindrical or somewhat tapered towards the base, yellow to yellowish brown, often granular-pustulate. Interascal tissue of narrow thin-walled paraphyses, often branched near the apex, the apex slightly clavate. Asci 120-150 x 11-13.5 µm, narrowly clavate, the stipe gradually tapering, the apex rounded, thin-walled, not fissitunicate, the wall immediately around the apex slightly thickened but without any ring structure, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged obliquely uniseriately, 20-23.5 x 5.5-7 µm, fusiform, often inaequilateral, hyaline, often aseptate but sometimes appearing to become 3- to 7-septate when very mature [this probably due to juxtaposition of guttules], thin-walled, smooth, without a gelatinous sheath.
Not formally assessed, but the species is widespread and unlikely to be significantly threatened.
Forms with dark green to blue-green hymenia (and usually greenish stalks) have been treated as Leotia atrovirens Pers., but various authors have claimed that the pigmentation is due to parasitism by other fungi. More research is needed.
Known to be parasitized by Hypomyces leotiicola (not yet reported from GBI), and also by a species of Akanthomyces. There are reports of mycorrhizal associations with ericoid shrubs, but this is certainly not a universal arrangement.
WIdespread in GBI, especially towards the west.
Uusally in wet places in deciduous woodlands.