Diaporthe crassicollis (All Fungi)
Description contributed by Graham Kinsey, CABI, based on Wehmeyer (1933).
Anamorph: Phomopsis corni (Sacc.) Traverso (1906). Conidiophores 25 x 1 µm. Alpha-conidia 8-10 x 2-3 µm.
Teleomorph: stromata with surface of bark heavily blackened over entire area or in a spot-like manner, entostroma somewhat limited in area or widely effuse, margin usually irregularly lobed and sinuous, usually and especially when dorsal blackening is just beneath the epidermis. Ascomata 240-400 x 160-240 µm, scattered singly or loosely grouped. Ascospores 11-14 x 2.5-4 µm.
Wehmeyer considered this to belong within the D. pardalota aggregate.
On dead branches of Cornus; anamorph reported additionally on Griselinia.
From England (Surrey, Worcs) and possibly Wales (Rads); anamorph additonally from England (East Suffolk, West Sussex) and Scotland (Kintyre).