Actidium hysterioides (All Fungi)
Ascomata hysterothecial with an inconspicuous longitudinal slit, black, smooth, sometimes concentrically striate, superficial, solitary or in small groups, when grouped often arranged radially, 0.25-0.3 mm long, ca 0.1 mm wide, ca 0.1 mm high, ellipsoidal to narrowly ellipsoidal from above, with a broad base and longitudinally semi-oblong with rounded ends when viewed from the side and then semi-globose in vertical transverse section. Peridium thin, brittle, with side walls predominantly prismatic-parallel, basally composed of fused interwoven red-brown hyphae (textura epidermoidea) and at the slit margin perpendicular and markedly elongate-parallel, with a layer of interwoven hyaline thin-walled hyphae forming the floor of the cavity. Interascal tissue composed of paraphysoids ca 1 µm diam, filiform with rounded ends, hyaline, smooth, sparsely septate, branched and anastomosed, exceeding the asci. Asci arising from croziers and in parallel from the cavity floor, 50-60 x 6 µm, cylindrical tapering to a lobed base, fissitunicate, apex rounded, J-, 8-spored. Ascospores 13-17 x 2-3 µm, narrowly ellipsoidal to fusiform, brownish, smooth, 1-septate, not or slightly constricted at the septum.
Not assessed. The species is rarely encountered in GBI, and may be threatened. More information on its ecology is needed before a full assessment can be made.
In this species, the ascomata tend to be arranged radially in clusters, so appearing stellate, in contrast to other species of Actidium which have solitary mussel-shaped ascomata
On dead wood and bark of Pinus, also possibly on Abies and Taxus.
In GBI, known from E.C. & S. England (Hertfordshire, Surrey) and W. Scotland
Unknown; most probably saprobic.