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Tetraplosphaeria tetraploa
Family: TetraplosphaeriaceaeGenus: Tetraplosphaeria
Ascomata 150-250 µm diam, ± globose, immersed with an erumpent, papillate ostiole. Interascal tissue composed of branched anastomosed pseudoparaphyses 1.5-2 µm diam. Ascospores 29-35(-42) x 5-6(-7) µm, narrowly fusiform, often curved, hyaline, 1-septate with a strong constriction and a distinct collar surrounding the basal part of the upper cell, the septum usually slightly supramedian, with a gelatinous sheath 3-5 µm thick. Senescent ascospores (5-) 6-septate, pale brown to grey.
Anamorph: Tetraploa aristata. Conidiophores not clearly distinct from vegetative tissue, conidiogenous cells not differentiated. Conidia 25-39 x 14-29 µm, composed of four fused columns of verruculose cells with shallow intercalary furrows, each column with a conspicuous setose appendage to 80 µm long, 4.5-8 µm diam at the base and 2-3.5 µm diam at the apex.