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Sarea resinae
Family: TrapeliaceaeGenus: Sarea
Anamorph: conidiomata pycnidia, 0·1–0·5 mm diam., arising singly or aggregated within a stroma, superficial, commonly intermixed with the apothecia in nature, subglobose, pale orange or flesh-pink, walls of interwoven hyphae 2–2·5 μm diam., the wall uneven in width and sometimes convoluted to give a multilocular appearance. Ostiole papillate at first, becoming expanded with age. Conidiophores hyaline, short, sometimes branched and septate near the base, with 1–3 conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells 7–15 × 1·5–2·5 μm, cylindrical, slightly tapered, hyaline, proliferating percurrently, occasionally annellate. Conidia abundant, forming in a compact gelatinous mass, 2–3 μm diam., subglobose when mature, angular by mutual compression when young, hyaline, aseptate, smooth- and rather thick-walled, extruded in a creamy drop.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, 0·5–1·5 mm diam., scattered, superficial, sessile or shortly stipitate, pale to bright orange, the disc with a raised exciple when young but becoming convex with age, gelatinous when fresh and waxy when dry. Excipulum to 100 μm thick, of radially arranged short-celled hyaline hyphae 3–4 μm diam. immersed in a gelatinous matrix, the outer edge and epithecium encrusted with orange granules. Subhymenium thick, gelatinous, almost pseudoparenchymatous, hyaline. Interascal tissue of ± simple paraphyses, 1·5–2 μm diam., numerous, filiform, septate, within a gelatinous matrix, the apices with orange granules forming an epithecial layer. Hymenium 80–100 μm tall, weakly blue in iodine. Asci 80–100 × 15–20 μm, clavate, with a thick inner wall turning blue in iodine, an apical cap with a broad pore, and an outer gelatinous layer also turning blue in iodine, a thin non-staining layer separating the outer and inner layers, multispored. Ascospores numerous, 2–3 μm diam., globose, aseptate, hyaline, smooth-walled, without a gelatinous sheath or epispore.