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Saccobolus beckii
Family: AscobolaceaeGenus: Saccobolus
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, solitary or gregarious, superficial, sessile, 100-700 µm diam., initially ± globular, becoming pulvinate, almost hyaline, without hairs or other ornamentation, the margin not differentiated. Disk convex, hyaline, at maturity dotted with the black protruding tips of ripe asci. Hymenium 130-150 µm thick. Hypothecium not clearly differentiated. Excipulum thin, of intertwined, cylindrical hyphae 2.0-3.5 µm diam., hyaline or with some pale violaceous or brownish-violaceous intercellular pigment. Interascal tissue of sparse branched or unbranched septate cylindrical paraphyses 2-3 µm diam., scarcely thickened above. Asci 130-180 x 40-47 µm, broadly clavate, with a rather broad thick base, the apex truncate, the wall blue in Melzer's reagent, 8-spored. Spore-clusters 42-60 x 18-24 µm, rather compact, elongate, covered in a common gelatinous sheath. Ascospores (16-) 17.5-23 x 8.5-10 µm, arranged according to pattern II (Brummelen 1967), ellipsoid-fusiform, often slightly ventricose, aseptate, at first hyaline, finally ± black, with very coarse warts or thick lumps of pigment separated by irregular fissures.