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Rhopographus filicinus
Family: Unknown familyGenus: Rhopographus
Anamorph: no information available.
Teleomorph: stromata linear or lanceolate, 3-12 mm long, 0.8-1.5 mm wide, clypeus-like, often combined into compound structures, smooth, glossy black, subepidermal, the host tissues slightly domed, opening with one or more longitudinal splits to allow spore discharge; composed of dark brown angular cells 6-10 µm across, square or polygonal in cross-section, the basal part of the stroma composed of pale hyphal tissue. Ascomatal locules oblate, 120-180 µm diam. and 70-100 µm high, in several ± longitudinal rows, closely aggregated. Interascal tissue composed of relatively sparse thin-walled cellular pseudoparaphyses. Asci clavate to saccate, almost sessile, (71-) 75-92 x (24-) 27-32 µm, the apex rounded, thick-walled and fissitunicate with a broad shallow ocular chamber, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, (33-) 35-39 x 7.5-9 (-10.5) µm, cylindric-ellipsoidal to fusiform-ellipsoidal, often slightly curved, (3-) 5- to 7-septate, ± constricted at the septa, one cell sometimes swollen, the apices obtuse, yellow-brown, smooth and quite thin-walled, with a conical to elongate gelatinous appendage 3-4 µm long and 4-5 µm diam. at each end [measured in water], to 12 x 2 µm and ± cylindrical [measured in warmed lactic acid], extending for a short distance over the wall immediately adjacent to the apex.
Description adapted in part from Obrist (1959).