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Peltigera hymenina
Family: PeltigeraceaeGenus: Peltigera
Thallus foliose, 10-20 cm diam., wide-spreading. Lobes 1-2 cm wide, overlapping, ± ascending at apices and margins, the margins neither crisped nor with folioles (small regenerative lobules are occasionally present). Upper surface glossy to ± matt, occasionally partly glossy, grey or slightly brown, without or rarely with a few slash-like cracks. Lower surface non-corticate with ± well defined, pale to deep ochre veins extending towards margins of lobes, flattened, wide, somewhat ill-defined, with frequent pale interstices. Rhizines pale, slender, simple, unbranched, occasionally splitting towards the ends. Cephalodia not present. Photobiont Nostoc.
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, common, saddle-shaped, to 5 × 3 mm, pale brown or red-brown, ± on short extensions from the margins of the lobes, apparently erumpent through the thallus edge, slightly crenulate or toothed. Hymenium hyaline. Interascal tissue of unbranched fairly thick-walled paraphyses, the upper parts brown, hardly swollen. Asci cylindrical, fissitunicate, the apex with a K/I+ blue ring, 8-spored. Ascospores 50-80 × 4-5 μm, cylindrical to cylindric-fusiform, the ends tapering, sometimes ± helically coiled, 3- to 7-septate, thin-walled, without a perispore, gelatinous sheath or appendages.
Chemistry: thallus with tenuiorin, methyl gyrophorate, ± gyrophoric acid (C± red), T2, ± T3 and ± T4.