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Patellaria atrata
Family: PatellariaceaeGenus: Patellaria
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, 0.3-1 mm diam. and 0.2-0.3 mm tall, arising singly or in groups, at first closed and immersed, later opening by a pore or by a wide longitudinal cleft in the early stages of development to expose a flat or convex black disc, superficial, sessile, circular or elongated, subgelatinous when moist. Margin entire, raised, sometimes inrolled. Outer surface smooth, carbonaceous, black. Exciple two layered, 25-30 (-40) µm thick; the ectal exciple composed of dark brown thick-walled isodiametric or slightly elongated cells, the inner exciple of thick-walled radiating parallel light brown hyphae. Hypothecium 40-80 µm thick, of thin walled isodiametric colourless cells. Interascal tissue of thin netlike filaments, becoming septate and upward-growing, branched above, hyaline, 1-2 µm thick, the apices swollen to 3-5 µm diam and agglutinated, forming a greenish brown epithecium. Asci (70-) 80-150 x 15-18 (-20) µm, cylindric-clavate with a distinct stipe, fissitunicate, with a distinct ocular chamber in the apical dome, not staining in Lugol or Melzer's iodine, ( 4-) 8-spored. Ascospores irregularly biseriate, (20-) 30-45 (-58) x (6-) 7-9 (-12) µm, clavate, often slightly curved, 5- to 11-septate, not constricted at the septa, hyaline, without a gelatinous sheath.