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Melogramma campylosporum
Family: MelogrammataceaeGenus: Melogramma
Anamorph: conidiomata 50-140 µm diam., as pycnidial locules in the upper part of the teleomorph stroma. Conidiogenous cells 9-20 x 1-2 µm, elongate, hyaline, thin-walled, proliferating sympodially. Conidia 15-23 x 1-1.5 µm, filiform, curved to sinuous, tapering slightly to rounded ends, hyaline, simple, smooth.
Teleomorph: stromata 1-3 mm broad, ca 0.5 mm high, containing 10-40 perithecia, irregularly circular to elliptical from above, erumpent, slightly raised above the host surface, ± pulvinate with a flat to slightly rounded exposed surface, dark brown to blackish, dotted with ostioles when mature, surrounded by thrown back host periderm, separate, scattered or sometimes in rows, containing 1-2 layers of perithecia crowded in the upper part. Beneath and above the perithecia composed of tightly interwoven brown-walled hyphae often giving the appearance of globose cells, between the perithecia composed of interwoven hyaline to pale yellow-brown hyphae. Pycnidial locules sometimes also present in the upper part. Ascomata 200-300 µm diam., perithecial, globose, papillate, upright, black, separate, immersed in the stroma, the ostioles terminating flush with the stroma surface. Peridium 20-50 µm thick, composed of a layer of angular cells with thick brown walls at the exterior which become elongated around the ostiole, and an interior layer of thin-walled, hyaline, compressed cells. Interascal tissue of paraphyses 4-5 µm diam.; hyaline, septate, numerous in maturing perithecia, the ostiole lined with hyaline filiform periphyses. Asci 100-135 x 10-15 µm, cylindrical to somewhat clavate, short-stalked, apex truncate, when stained with Janus green a thin circular apical plate surmounted by a small hyaline semi-globose cushion-like pad may be seen, not blueing in iodine, with a single discernable wall layer, at maturity often appearing twisted and curved, 8-spored. Ascospores 32-48 x 4-6 µm, fusiform, curved, with one end tapering slightly more abruptly than the other and appearing somewhat pinched, brown, smooth, 3-septate, with the end cells slightly paler, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages. Ascospores in culture produce a whitish, later greyish, slow-growing, downy, aerial mycelium, remaining sterile or producing either or both teleomorph and anamorph, the former is accompanied by localised pinkish mycelial coloration.