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Melanelia hepatizon
Family: ParmeliaceaeGenus: Melanelia
Thallus 1-5(-15) cm, often forming mat-like rosettes, swollen; lobes elongate and heavily, irregularly divided, 5-20 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, ± channelled, often overlapping; margins often upturned and more strongly pigmented, not ciliate, isidia and soralia absent, with marginal and laminal pseudocyphellae. Upper surface olive to dark brown, glossy, not maculate. Lower surface dark brown to black with scattered, dark rhizines.
Anamorph: conidiomata pycnidia ca 100 µm diam., frequent and conspicuous, black, ± globose, thick-walled, sessile, on the margins of lobes and apothecial margins, rarely occurring on the upper surface. Conidiogenous cells shortly cylindrical, with annelidic and sometimes also sympodial proliferation. Conidia 3.5-5.5 × ca 1 μm, bifusiform, the apex rounded and the base peg-like, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, without a perispore or gelatinous sheath.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, 1-5 (-8) mm, frequent. Disc concolorous with the thallus, thalline exciple often crenate.
Chemistry: Cortex K–, N–; medulla K+ yellow, KC+ yellow-orange, C–, Pd+ yellow, UV– (stictic and norstictic acids).