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Lichenopeltella ramalinae
Family: MicrothyriaceaeGenus: Lichenopeltella
Mycelium immersed, or partially becoming superficial in old colonies where the host tissues are degraded, especially in blackened areas of the host thallus.
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata thyriothecia, 85-120 µm diam., superficial, in large clusters of up to 30, oblate-conical, glossy black, with a central ostiole 20-25 µm diam., without setae surrounding the ostiole. Upper wall formed of dark brown, ± occluded thick-walled angular ± square-section cells 4-5 µm long and wide, in a well-developed radiating pattern, the edge ± smooth. Lower wall pale brown, inconspicuous. Interascal tissue not seen [composed of branched and anastomosed hyphae 1-1.5 µm diam. fide Etayo 1996]. Asci 28.5-33 x 13-14 µm [28-33 x 13-17 µm fide Etayo 1996], saccate, ± sessile, very thick-walled and fissitunicate, the apex rounded, not blueing in iodine, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged irregularly, 10.2-13.2 x 4-4.9 µm [11-14.5 x 3.5-5 µm fide Etayo 1996], ellipsoidal to ovoid-ellipsoidal, sometimes inaequilateral, hardly constricted at the ± median to slightly supramedian septum, the apex rounded to obtuse and the base obtuse, hyaline, very thin-walled, smooth, with a pair of setulae 4-5.5 µm long developing from the septal area, one pointing up and the other down, parallel to or weakly diverging from the spore wall.