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Lecania coeruleorubella
Family: RamalinaceaeGenus: Lecania
Thallus areolate or coarsely rimose-cracked, thick, yellow-brown to brown-grey, thickly and densely covered in flattened or spherical blastidia, 45-65 μm diam., forming chains. Cortical layer ca 40 µm thick, composed of tightly packed hyaline hyphae. Photobiont chlorococcoid.
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, 500-1200 µm diam., sessile, sometimes constricted at the base, sometimes partially obscured by blastidia, single or in small clusters, often deformed. Disc red-brown to black, plane to shallowly convex, sometimes densely grey-pruinose. Thalline margin well-developed, brown-grey, irregular, swollen, irregularly cracked to incomplete and partially hidden, surface densely and minutely granular with blastidia. Hymenium 60-70 µm tall, surrounded by a sterile hyphal layer to 25 µm wide at the upper surface. Epithecium reddish-brown, densely granular. Hypothecium colourless or pale. Interascal tissue of paraphyses, short-celled towards the apices, sometimes weakly branched at the top, I/KI+ blue, the apical cells swollen, colourless to weakly reddish-brown, 3-5 µm diam. Ascospores 19-25 × 4-4.5 μm, narrowly ellipsoidal, sometimes curved, 3-septate, hyaline, smooth- and thin-walled, without a gelatinous sheath or perispore.
Chemistry: no information available.