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Collariella robusta
Family: ChaetomiaceaeGenus: Collariella
Stromata absent. Ascomata 180-250 µm diam and 350-600 µm tall, cylindrical, obclavate or weakly ampulliform with a wide ostiole. Peridium dark brown, composed of angular cells which are vertically elongated and palisade-like in the upper part. Ascomata hairs covering the upper part of the fruit body, silver grey but darkening with age, of two types; one with tapering helical coils and the other seta-like, spinulose or verrucose. Interascal tissue absent, but discharged asci can remain and appear paraphysis-like. Asci 25-35 x 10-15 µm, clavate, long-stalked, without apical structures, very thin-walled and evanescent, 8-spored. Ascospores 5.5-8 x 5-6.5 x 4-5.5 µm, broadly limoniform, bilaterally flattened, dextrinoid when young, pale grey to green-brown when mature, with a minute apical germ pore.
Description taken in part from von Arx et al. (1986).