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Capronia perpusilla
Family: HerpotrichiellaceaeGenus: Capronia
Teleomorph: ascomata superficial, solitary or in small clusters of 3 to 5, sometimes seated on sparse, dark brown superficial mycelium, 100-200 µm high and (80-) 100-180 µm diam., globose to subglobose, minutely papillate. Ascomatal wall 30-35 µm thick, composed of pseudoparenchymatous cells, the surface with scattered protruding thick-walled dark brown to black cells, in the upper half sometimes with sparse flexuous hyphae, in the lower part with dense pallid to medium brown flexuous hyphae ca 50 µm long and 3 µm diam. at the base, obtuse at the ends. Interascal tissue not present. Asci 70-105 x 15.5-17.5 µm, saccate, the apex broadly rounded, thick-walled with rostrate dehiscence, 8-spored. Ascospores irregularly arranged in the ascus, (17-) 20.5-22.5 (-25) x 7-8 (-9) µm, broadly fusiform with obtuse ends, brown to grey-brown, with 5-7 transverse septa and 1-3 longitudinal or oblique septa in the middle cells, occasionally in end cells, slightly constricted at the septa, smooth-walled.
Description adapted from Réblová (1996).