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Barbatosphaeria hippocrepida
Family: Unknown familyGenus: Barbatosphaeria
Anamorph: Sporothrix-like. Conidiophores 5–12 x 1.0–1.5 μm, not strongly differentiated from vegetative cells, unbranched or branched, cylindrical or of irregular shape, straight or often flexuous, hyaline. Apical cell (conidiogenous cell) bearing up to 12 denticles, proliferating sympodially. Conidia 3–4(–5) x 0.8–1.0 μm, suballantoid to cylindrical, aseptate, hyaline, the base obtuse. Chlamydospores not observed.
Teleomorph: Stromata absent. Ascomata perithecia, 400-500 μm diam, globose to subglobose, in irregular groups of 4–8 with necks converging and erumpent centrally, shining black, smooth-walled. Necks 300–550 μm long and 90–120 mm diam., forming laterally, oblique, cylindrical, slightly flexuous, rounded at the tip, periphysate. Ascomatal wall leathery, with an outer layer 30-50 μm thick of brown textura prismatica and an inner layer of thin-walled hyaline cells. Paraphyses 3.5-6 μm diam. at the base, tapering towards the tip, evanescent, slightly constricted at the septa, longer than the asci. Asci 22-25 x 4-5 µm, cylindric-clavate, the apex truncate, with a distinct shallow, refractive apical ring and sometimes visible invagination, arising in croziers on elongating ascogenous hyphae, young asci long-stipitate with bulbose base, mature asci developing a septum near the base. Ascospores 3-3.5 µm diam., strongly crescent-shaped with tapered ends, the ends almost meeting, hyaline, smooth, aseptate.