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Amanita friabilis
Family: AmanitaceaeGenus: Amanita
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: Basidiomata agaricoid, without a distinct smell. Pileus (cap) 3-6 (-7) cm diam., round, broadly convex to flattened when mature, often with a slightly depressed central part and a low umbo in the middle, greyish brown, with powdery (floccose) pale grey to white warted volval remains, the marginal part often striate for around one quarter of the radius. Lamellae (gills) white to cream, narrowly adnate (attached). Stipe (stem) 40-80 (-140) x 5-7 mm, bulbous below, hollow, white to pale grey. Volva consisting of a small fragile saccate or adnate bag, often reduced to patches of brownish squamules, consisting of abundant sphaerocysts mixed with some hyphal elements. Clamp connections not observed. Basidiospores 10-12 x 8.5-10 (-11) µm, subglobose to broadly ellipsoidal, occasionally obovoid and rarely ellipsoidal, not amyloid.
Description based on Kibby (2012) and information from