Hypoxylon fragiforme
Anamorph hazel brown, velvety, covering young stromata in early stages. Conidiophores hyaline to slightly pigmented, roughened, Nodulisporium-like. Conidiogenous cells 15-27 x 3.3.5 µm. Conidia ellipsoidal to nearly globose, 4-4.8 x 3.5-4 µm, hyaline or pale yellow, aseptate, thin-walled.
Teleomorph: stromata hemispherical to nearly spherical, frequently with conspicuous perithecial mounds, 2-9 mm diam. and 1.5-7 mm high; surface rust to bay-brown, with orange-red granules beneath surface yielding orange KOH-extractable pigments , in early stages with a conspicuous layer of white granules under the surface in which perithecia develop, later with a variably thick, almost black layer above the perithecia with orange pigment below; the tissue below the perithecial layer black, massive, up to 6mm thick, extending upwards between the perithecia when aged. Perithecia obovoid, 250-380 µm diam. and 450-650 µm high, quite long-necked. Ostioles lower than or at the same level as the stromatal surface, black. Asci 135-180 µm total length x 7-10 µm broad, the spore bearing-parts 64-92 µm long, the stipes 60-96 µm long, with apical ring amyloid, discoid, 1-1.3 µm high x 2.5-2.8 µm broad, 8-spored. Ascospores dark brown, ellipsoid-inequilateral, frequently crescent-shaped, 10-15 x 4.8-6.8 µm, with germ slit spore-length on the convex surface; perispore dehiscent in 10% KOH, smooth.
Description adapted from http://pyrenomycetes.free.fr/index.htm
Hypoxylon howeanum is similar and with the same chemistry, but the stromata and ascospores are slightly smaller, and is rarely found on Fagus.
On dead fallen trunks and branches of Fagus sylvatica.
Very widespread, probably throughout the entire host range.