Asteroma coryli
General description:
Anamorph: conidiomata acervular, 70-80 µm diam., on large brown leaf spots, scattered or in clusters, subcuticular, ± hemispherical, the upper wall composed of large mid brown thin-walled angular cells. Conidiophores absent. Conidiogenous cells 9-14 x 3-3.5 µm, rather irregular in shape, ampulliform to lageniform, proliferating percurrently with periclinal thickening but no obvious collarettes. Conidia 12-16 x ca 1.5 µm, acicular to narrowly fusiform, usually falcate, the ends obtuse, hyaline, aseptate, thin-walled, without a perispore or appendages.
Teleomorph: not known.
On living leaves of Corylus avellana, causing conspicuous leaf spots.
Poorly known; apparently frequent in Dorset, scattered from S. England north to Arran (VC100).