Phaeosphaeria spartinicola
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata 90-140 µm diam., globose, scattered to densely aggregated, immersed within the mesophyll with the ostiole protruding through the epidermis, glabrous. Peridium 10-14 µm thick, of 3-4 layers of brown thin-walled flattened cells 6-10 x 2-4 µm in size; ostiole central, conical, flush with the substratum, 30-40 µm tall, lined with short hyaline cylindrical periphyses. Interascal tissue of pseudoparaphyses, not numerous, sparsely septate, 2-2.5 µm diam. Asci 65-85 x 24-26 µm, cylindrical to ovoid, short-stalked, thick-walled and fissitunicate, 8-spored. Ascospores overlapping biseriate or irregularly arranged, 23-35 x 9-13.5 µm, broadly fusiform to cylindric-fusiform, straight or slightly curved, brown to yellow-brown, thick-walled, finely echinulate, 3-septate, slightly constricted at the septa, the second cell from the apex slightly enlarged, with a large guttule in each cell in young spores, surrounded by a conspicuous sharply delimited sheath to 2 µm thick, which may disappear in older or overmature material.
Description adapted from Leuchtmann & Newll (1991).
Not formally assessed; rarely recorded but probably under-reported.
In dead leaves and culms of Spartina spp.
Reported from VC 11 S Hampshire and VC14 E Sussex. Records of Phaeosphaeria typhicola from Spartina in VC54 N Lincolnshire are probably this species.