Endococcus sp. IMI 328731
General description:
Similar to Endococcus brachysporus, but ascomata are immersed in clusters within the host thallus, the asci are cylindrical, and the ascospores are uniseriately arranged and marginally broader in relation to their length, measuring 9.3-10 (-10.7) x 6-7 µm.
On thalli of Thelotrema macrosporum, the pathogenic impact uncertain due to the presence of other fungi. It does not seem to occur on the much commoner T. lepadinum.
Reported from a single collection from Skye (VC104 N Ebudes). There are records for an Endococcus sp. on this host from Ulva (VC103 Mid Ebudes), Lochaline (VC97 W Inverness), Eigg (VC104 N Ebudes) and the Pass of Inverfarigaig (VC96 E Inverness).