Fusicolla ossicola
Anamorph: Fusarium-like. Microconidia not produced. Macroconidia 12-28 (-30) μm long, 3-3.5 μm broad when more than 15 μm long and up to 4.5 μm broad when less than 15 μm long; long-fusiform, falcate, acute at the ends, (0-) 1- to 3-septate, hyaline, smooth.
Teleomorph: ascomata perithecia, 240-280 μm diam. and 250-300 μm high, subglobose to widely pyriform, superficial with the base remaining slightly immersed in the substratum, solitary or in groups of 3–10, non-stromatic, smooth, pale yellow to pale brownish orange, not changing color in 3% KOH, becoming bright orange in lactic acid, laterally pinched when dry, with a rounded neck 40-50 μm high and 80-100 μm diam at base, composed of subglobose to cylindrical pale yellow cells. Peridium formed of angular cells in surface view with cells to 15 μm diam., covered by thick-walled pale yellow hyphae arising from the base of the perithecium, developing to form a crown around the ostiolar region. Interascal tissue composed of very thin-walled tapering moniliform deliquescent paraphysis-like hyphae to 12 µm diam. at the base. Asci (70-) 80-85 (-90) × 8-11 μm (6-7 µm broad in dried material), cylindrical, short-stalked, the apex truncate (rounded when fully mature) with a faint apical ring–like thickening, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged uniseriately, (9.5-) 10-12 (-13) x (4.8-) 5-5.5 (-6) μm, ellipsoidal to fusiform-ellipsoidal, rounded at the ends, not constricted at the ± median septum, hyaline to pale yellow, orange en masse, rather thick-walled, minutely spinulose, without an epispore or gelatinous sheath.
Not formally assessed. Currently only known from a single GBI collection, but perhaps overlooked.
On decaying sternum of a waterfowl (possibly Branta canadensis); on bone of wild boar in Belgium.
Reported from one site in VC13 W Sussex.