Epibryon sp. P4159
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata perithecia, 90-130 µm diam., ± globose, black, superficial. Ostiole hardly papillate, lined with periphyses, with short dark brown obtuse-ended spine-like hyphae to ca 20 µm long and 2-3 µm diam. surrounding the ostiole. Ascomatal hairs 30-60 x 2-3 µm, flexuose to rigid, dark brown, thick-walled, septate. Peridium composed of an outer layer of brown thick-walled angular cells and an inner layer of flattened, almost hyaline cells. Interascal tissue absent (discharged asci collapse and may appear like paraphyses), hymenium dextrinoid. Asci 65-80 x 11-16.5 µm, clavate to cylindric-clavate when mature, narrowly pyriform and very thick-walled when young but without obvious separable layers, not staining blue in iodine, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, (14.5-) 16-19.5 x 5-6 µm, ellipsoidal or slightly clavate, 3- or rarely 1-, 4- or 5-septate, hyaline to pale yellow, not strongly constricted at the septa, smooth, without an epispore, gelatinous sheath or appendages.
Not evaluated; only a single collection is known.
Similar to Epibryon muscicola, but with somewhat smaller ± globose ascomata, narrower ascomatal hairs, and narrower asci and ascospores. E. muscicola has been reported from a wide range of mosses and host specificity is unclear in this group, but it could well be a species aggregate. E. sp. P3752 has larger ascomata and greyish ascospores.
On dead fronds of Brachythecium sp.
Known from a single site in VC97 W Inverness.