Stigmidium sp. P3772
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata perithecial, partly immersed in the host thallus to almost superficial, not causing obvious damage to the host tissues; 120-150 µm diam., globose to subglobose, black in external view, the ostiole inconspicuous. Ascomatal wall dark brownish-black in the upper part and lighter brown or reddish brown below, composed of 2-4 layers of angular cells to 8 µm diam., the pigment concentrated in interstices between the cells. Interascal tissue absent, but the ostiole is lined with periphyses and pendent hyaline apical pseudoparaphyses 15-20 x 2.5-3 µm in size extend into the perithecial cavity. Asci 37-52 x (15-) 18-21 µm, saccate, sessile or shortly stipitate, thick-walled in the upper part and fissitunicate, not staining in iodine, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged biseriately, 12.5-14.5 (-15) x (5.5-) 6-6.5 (-7.5) µm, strongly constricted at the single median septum, the upper cell sometimes wider, hyaline, smooth, without a gelatinous sheath.
Not evaluated; only two collections are known, although there is a BLS database record of an unidentified Stigmidium on Fuscidea gothoburgensis from VC105 W Ross that could be the same species.
On thalli of Fuscidea gothoburgensis and F. intercincta, apparently as a biotrophic parasite.
Only known from single sites in VC69 Westmorland and VC90 Angus.