Daruvedia bacillata
Anamorph: not known (but see Hu et al. 2010).
Teleomorph: ascostromata perithecial, 500−1000 μm diam. and 350−800 μm high, scattered to gregarious, erumpent through bark or wood, black, immersed to nearly superficial with the base remaining immersed, depressed spherical to ± applanate, the ostiolar region ± flat to broadly conical, roughened, Peridium 30−40 μm thick below, 60−100 μm thick above, two-layered; outer layer nearly homogenous, of very thick-walled cells with small lumina, inner layer of flattened cells with unevenly pigmented walls. Interascal tissue of dense, very long pseudoparaphyses, 1−1.5 μm diam. Asci 240−270 × 15−17 μm, bitunicate but apparently not fissitunicate, cylindrical, short-stalked, with a narrow ocular chamber and a small inconspicuous apical ring, 8-spored. Ascospores arranged in a fascicle, sometimes slightly helically arranged, 180−200 × 4−5 μm, filiform, the apex obtuse, the base slightly tapered, hyaline to yellowish, filled with guttules, obscurely 30−40-septate, slightly constricted at septa at full maturity, smooth, without a gelatinous sheath or appendages.
Not formally assessed. Rarely encountered but probably under-recorded; it would probably be listed as Data Deficient.
In GB&I, on dead wood and bark of Hedera helix and Ulex sp.; presumably a saprotroph.
Known from three recent collections in VC2 E Cornwall, one from VC34 W Gloucestershire and one from VC102 S Ebudes (Islay), originally described from VC17 Surrey.