Puccinia lagenophorae
Spermogonia absent.
Aecia in large groups on stems and leaves, amphigenous, cupulate with a laciniate white recurved peridium, peridial cells firmly connected, not in distinct rows, with the punctate outer wall strongly thickened, with small warts. Aeciospores 15-17 (-20) x 13-17 µm, globose or ellipsoidal, hyaline to yellowish (with orange contents when living), the wall thin, very finely verruculose.
Uredinia absent.
Telia similar to the aecia and often accompanying them, pulvinate, dark brown, long covered by the host epidermis. Teliospores 32-41 x 12-18 µm, cylindric-clavate to broadly ellipsoidal, rounded or truncate and darker above, hardly constricted, somewhat narrowed below, dark brown, the wall smooth except for one or two longitudinal raised ridges, 1.5-2 µm thick and 5-8 µm thick at the apex, the pedicel elongate, hyaline, persistent.
Not formally assessed; the species is believed to be introduced from Australia.
On living leaves of Senecio squalidus and S. vulgaris. Records on other host genera need confirmation.
Throughout England, Wales and southern Scotland.