Phylloblastia key
1. | Ascospores (16-) 20-35 (-40) x 4.5-9 (-10) µm, with (3-) 5-9 transverse septata and usually 1-6 longitudinal septa. Periphyses longer and wider than in P. inexpectata, the apical cells 1-2 in number and 6.5-12 x 3.5-5 µm | Phylloblastia fortuita |
Ascospores (10-)14-16 x (4-) 4.5-5 µm, with three transverse septa. Periphyses short, the apical cells a single layer, conical-ovoid and c. 5 x 3 µm | Phylloblastia inexpectata |