Chromosera lilacina
Cap: 5-30 mm wide, plano-convex at first, with incurved margin then flattened with a lower area in the centre, shiny and viscid in young fruitbodies, then dry and matt. When young the cap is lilac, yellowish or brownish orange later lilac, brownish lilac, greyish violet, pale yellow, buff or a mosaic of these colours, margin yellowish and often striate, cream to violet white when faded. Gills: decurrent or sometimes broadly adnate, yellow, ochre to orange, often with a shade of pale violet, edge dry. Stem: 10-40 x 1-3 mm, cylindrical to slightly compressed, viscid when young, soon dry and matt; lilac to violet, especially at the top, yellowish, greyish or brown elsewhere; whitish or violet tomentum (downy covering) at base. Flesh: concolourous, smell and taste not distinctive. Spores: (7-) 8-10 (-12) x (4-) 5-6 (-8) μm, Q= 1.1-2.1 (2.7) ellipsoid, ovoid to pip shaped, often amygdaliform in some spores with concave side or slightly constricted in frontal view. Some elongated spores (up to 12 x 4.5 μm) often present. Basidia: slenderly clavate, mostly 4-spored, 30-50 x 6-11 μm. Gill trama interwoven, made up of short, often anastomosing, cylindrical elements, 30-200 x 6-11 µm. Gill edge fertile. Pileipellis when young a distinct ixotrichoderm, stipitipellis a slightly gelatinized ixocutis, when old they both become a dry cutis.
A montane species found in upland wet dwarf shrub heaths, marshes and snow beds often with moss.