Ceratobasidium bulbillifaciens
Basidiomata and conidiomata unknown.
Colonies appearing as dispersed bulbils growing over or between corticolous lichen thalli. Mycelium not observed. Bulbils 100–200 µm diam., superficial, dispersed, ± globose to broadly ellipsoidal, greyish yellow when young, brown when mature, dark brown when old, matt, not translucent, without hairs. Internal tissue composed of branched chains of ± spherical to elongate hyaline cells 7–23 x 6–10 µm in size, septa without clamp connections, crystals absent in polarized light.
Not formally assessed. Only known from one collection in GB&I, but very likely to be under-recorded.
In GB&I, recorded as overgowing thalli of Lecidella elaeochroma, but occurs throughout northern Europe in association with a range of N-tolerant lichens.
Known from one site in VC18 S Essex.