Massarina eburnea
Anamorph: conidiomata pycnidia, 150-400 µm diam. with a papillate or elongate neck. Conidioma wall 25-40 µm thick, composed of dark brown, thick-walled, elongate or polyhedral cells 6-14 x 4-8 µm in size. Pycnidial cavity unilocular, but wall cells often project towards the interior. Conidiophores not clearly distinguished. Conidiogenous cells 10-50 X 2-4 µm, cylindrical, proliferating percurrently. Conidia 2-3 x 1-1.5 µm, ovoid, hyaline, aseptate.
Teleomorph: ascostromata perithecia, 450-800 µm diam., oblate-conical to ± hemispherical, upright, black, ± smooth, sometimes papillate, subepidermal, rarely erumpent, scattered to gregarious or crowded. Peridium thin, composed of compressed to rounded-angular polygonal brown-walled cells. Interascal tissue of cellular pseudoparaphyses ca 2 µm diam., hyaline, filiform, septate, embedded in a gelatinous matrix, at least initially continuous from top to bottom of the cavity. Asci arising in parallel from the lower part of the cavity, cylindric-clavate to saccate, short-stalked, with a lobed base, apex rounded, thick-walled, fissitunicate with a usually shallow ocular chamber, not blueing in iodine but sometimes dextrinoid, 8-spored. Ascospores (25-)32-42(-50) x (6-)9-11(-15) µm, broadly fusiform, straight to slightly curved, usually 3-septate (sometimes partly or only 1-septate), not or slightly constricted at the septa, middle cells larger and broader than end cells, the ends rounded, wall 1-2 µm thick, hyaline but sometimes becoming pale brown when senescent and then sometimes with verruculose ornamentation, without germ pores, smooth, with a hyaline gelatinous sheath 2-4 µm thick.
Not formally assessed, but the number and date-spread of GBI records of the species suggests that it is not threatened.
Growing in dead attached and fallen twigs and small branches of Fagus sylvatica.
In GB&I, reported throughout the British Isles from Cornwall to Mid Perth, also known from ROI.
Presumed to be a saprotroph.