Thallus squamulose, irregular or indistinctly areolate, the edges sometimes lobed, orange-yellow to pale yellow-grey, sometimes with the surface flaking away to form schizidia, sometimes distinctly and coarsely pruinose. Photobiont chlorococcoid.
Anamorph: conidiomata pycnidia, rare, immersed, uni- or multilocular. Conidiogenous cells lining locules within the pycnidial cavity, ± subglobose to short-ampulliform, proliferating percurrently. Conidia ellipsoidal, aseptate, hyaline.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, sessile; disc bright orange to orange-brown, erumpent through the thallus surface and with an irregular thalline exciple that usually becomes ecxcluded. Asci 8-spored, Teloschistes-type. Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoidal to pyriform, aseptate or occasionally 1-septate, never polarilocular.