Endococcus propinquus
Similar to Endococcus brachysporus, but with larger, more protuberant ascomata with a rather thick upper wall, and larger relatively broad ascospores 10-12 x 6.5-7 µm in size.
As traditionally circumscribed, this is a plurivorous species, but it could actually be restricted to Porpidia tuberculosa (and maybe closely related species).
Scattered throughout the British Isles; records on Porpidia tuberculosa originate from churchyards in VC25 E Suffolk and VC 50 Denbigh, and native rock in VC72 Dumfries, VC82 E Lothian, VC88 Mid Perthshire, VC98 Argyll, VC104 N Ebudes and VC110 Outer Hebrides.