Diaporthe tenella (All Fungi)
General description:
Anamorph: Phomopsis ophites (Sacc.) Traverso (1906). Conidiogenous cells 15 x 1.5 µm. Alpha-conidia 10 x 2 µm.
Teleomorph: stromata on host surface as numerous blackened ectostroma discs exposed by the perforation of the periderm, surface of bark blackened around the ectostroma or irregularly elsewhere and occasionally dipping into the bark, ventral zone usually definite in the wood. Ascomata 200-280 x 160-200 µm, irregularly scattered, ostioles scarcely erumpent in small clusters. Ascospores 9-14 x 2.5-4.5 µm.
Wehmeyer considered this to belong within the D. eres aggregate, albeit he noted that the mature ascospores are slightly wider than typical for the group.
On dead branches of Hibiscus.
From England (Surrey).