Diaporthe ailanthi (All Fungi)
General description:
Description contributed by Graham Kinsey, CABI.
Dorsal zone present as a heavy blackening, sometimes slightly and irregularly pustulate, ventral zone definite.
Anamorph: Phomopsis ailanthi (Sacc.) Traverso (1906). Alpha-conidia 7 x 2.5 µm, ovoid-fusiform; beta-conidia 25 x 0.5 µm, filiform-curved.
Teleomorph: Ascomata scattered or often in small or large dense clusters, ostioles at first short-cylindrical becoming long-filiform or sinuous and erumpent. Asci 50 x 7 µm. Ascospores 9-15 x 2.5-4 µm.
Wehmeyer considered this to belong with D. rudis. Other species on Ailanthus are all extralimital.
On dead twigs of Ailanthus.
England (Surrey); anamorph additionally from Ireland.