Calosphaeria parasitica (All Fungi)
Stromata: absent.
Ascomata: perithecia, 0.25(-0.75) mm diam., necks to 0.75 mm, in lax to crowded groups of 4-15, sometimes deformed by mutual pressure, occasionally solitary (but then with others in groups nearby), overlying or amongst other pyrenomycetes, immersed beneath bark. Interascal tissue composed of paraphysis-like ascogenous hyphae greatly exceeding the asci. Asci 14-23 x 3-4.5 µm. Ascospores 3-5 x 0.5-1 µm, often slightly curved, aseptate.
Anamorph: unknown.
The species is questionably distinct from other taxa associated with effete fungi, including C. pusilla and C. wahlenburgii. More research is needed.
No phylogenetic data are available, but the species may well belong to the group represented by Tectonidula (Réblová & Stepánek, 2009).
Associated with old ascomata of Quaternaria and amongst other pyrenomycetes, immersed in the outer bark layers of dead branches of Fagus.
In GBI, apparently restricted to England (Gloucestershire, Somerset, Surrey, Yorkshire) and Scotland (Argyll).