Apioplagiostoma aceriferum (All Fungi)
Ascomata 200-400 µm diam, 150-270 µm tall; neck initially very short later reaching 300 x 50 µm, lateral, brownish, apically slightly curved and whitish to yellow. Peridium 6-8 µm thick, formed of two layers of cells. Asci 45-65 x 7.5-12.5 µm, with a large refractive apical ring to 4 µm diam, 8-spored. Ascospores 14-18 x 4.5-5 µm, septum dividing the length 4:1, tapering slightly more towards the end with the smaller cell.
Rarely encountered but the species is inconspicuous and likely to be overlooked. No formal assessment has been made. Doubt is cast on the presence of this species in GBI as it has not been recorded this century and on one specimen (from West Kent) only Mycosphaerella punctiformis was found.
The species clusters with Plagiostoma inclinatum according to Sogonov et al. (2008), but that species does not belong to Plagiostoma as currently circumscribed and the type of Apioplagiostoma has not been sequenced.
On dead leaves of Acer campestre and possibly also A. platanoides.
From GBI, recorded from England (Surrey and possibly West Kent). Known from Europe (including Germany, Sweden and Switzerland).