Host genus | Fungal species | Symptoms and notes |
Taraxacum | Puccinia taraxaci | Rust of leaves |
Taxus | Metacapnodium dingleyae | Sooty mould associated with bark lesions, but probably not parasitic |
Phyllosticta foliorum | A weak leaf pathogen or secondary invader | |
Thyselium | Alternaria sp. P4871 | Infects seeds and peduncles in association with Cladosporium sp. P4871 |
Cladosporium sp. P4871 | Infects seeds in association with Alternaria sp. P4871, but possibly the primary pathogen | |
Tilia | Apiognomonia tiliae | Causes large brown leaf spots |
Lamproconium desmazieresii | Implicated as a pathogen of small twigs and branches by some authors, but primarily a saprobe | |
Trifolium | Polythrincium trifolii | Causes sooty blotch disease of clover |
Triticum | Gaeumannomyces cylindrosporus | Parasitic, but apparently not pathogenic; proposed as a possible biocontrol organism for take-all disease |
Gibellina cerealis | Associated with foot rot and basal stem rot, but pathogenicity needs further research | |
Tussilago | Coleosporium tussilaginis | Rust on leaves of Tussilago farfara; spermogonia and aecidia on Pinus spp. |