
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
A. Crespo, Lumbsch, H. T., Mattsson, J. - E., Blanco, O., Divakar, P. K., Articus, K., Wiklund, E., Bawingan, P. A., Wedin, M.2007Testing morphology-based hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships in Parmeliaceae (Ascomycota) using three ribosomal markers and the nuclear RPB1 gene
D. W. Minter1996Terriera cladophila
C. T. Ingold1988Teliospore germination in some species of Ustilaginaceae
O. Constantinescu, Holm, K., Holm, L.1995Teleomorph-anamorph connections in Ascomycetes: the anamorphs of three species of Chaetosphaeria
O. Constantinescu1993Teleomorph-anamorph connections in ascomycetes: Microdiplodia anamorph of Karstenula rhodostoma
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M. Réblová2009Teleomorph of Rhodoveronaea (Sordariomycetidae) discovered and reevaluation of Pleurophragmium
M. I. Martínez1999Taxonomía del género Peltigera Willd. (Ascomycetes liquenizados) en la Península Ibérica y estudio de sus hongos liquenícolas
T. Borgen, Arnolds E.2009Taxonomy, Ecology and Distribution of Hygrocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm. and Camarophyllopsis Herink (Fungi, Basidiomycota, Hygrocybeae) in Greenland
P. G. Ihlen2004Taxonomy of the non-yellow species of Rhizocarpon (Rhizocarpaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in the Nordic countries, with hyaline and muriform ascospores
W. A. Untereiner1997Taxonomy of selected members of the ascomycete genus Capronia with notes on anamorph-teleomorph connections
J. C. Walker, Minter D. W.1981Taxonomy of Nematogonum, Gonatobotrys, Gonatobotryum and Gonatorrhodiella
B. Aguirre-Hudson, Kokobun, T., Spooner, B. M., Tibell, L.2007Taxonomy of Calicium victorianum (F. Wilson) Tibell (Caliciaceae, Lecanorales), a lichenized ascomycete new to Europe
S. Savic, Tibell L.2009Taxonomy and species delimitation in Sporodictyon (Verrucariaceae) in Northern Europe and the adjacent Arctic—reconciling molecular and morphological data
J. Šoun, Vondrák, J., Søchting, U., Hrouzek, P., Khodosovtsev, A., Arup, U.2011Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Caloplaca cerina group in Europe
U. Braun2019Taxonomy and nomenclature of Sphaeria aucupariae (Mycosphaerella aucupariae, Venturia aucupariae) – a story of confusion and misinterpretation
M. E. Palm1991Taxonomy and morphology of the synanamorphs Pilidium concavum and Hainesia lythri (Coelomycetes)
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F. P. Trouillas, Pitt, W. M., Sosnowski, M. R., Huang, R., Peduto, F., Loschiavo, A., Savocchia, S., Scott, E. S., Gubler, W. D.2011Taxonomy and DNA phylogeny of Diatrypaceae associated with Vitis vinifera and other woody plants in Australia
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E. Gaya2009Taxonomical revision of the Caloplaca saxicola group (Teloschistaceae, lichen-forming Ascomycota)
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M. A. Sherwood1980Taxonomic studies in the Phacidiales: the genus Coccomyces (Rhytisimataceae)
H. Kern1955Taxonomic studies in the genus Leucostoma
S. Huhtinen1987Taxonomic studies in the genera Protounguicularia, Arachnopeziza and Dematioscypha
J. Moravec1993Taxonomic revision of the genus Cheilymenia - 5. The section Cheilymenia
J. Moravec1990Taxonomic revision of the genus Cheilymenia - 3. A new generic and infrageneric classification of Cheilymenia in a new emendation
O. Vitikainen1994Taxonomic revision of Peltigera (lichenized Ascomycotina) in Europe
K. Hirayama, Tanaka K.2011Taxonomic revision of Lophiostoma and Lophiotrema based on reevaluation of morphological characters and molecular analyses
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M. Grube, Matzer M.1997Taxonomic concepts of lichenicolous Arthonia species
M. Hernández-Restrepo, Groenewald, J. Z., Crous, P. W.2015Taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of Microdochium, Monographella and Idriella
D. L. Hawksworth1977Taxonomic and biological observations on the genus Lichenoconium (Sphaeropsidales)
D. L. Hawksworth1977Taxonomic and biological observations on the genus Lichenoconium (Sphaeropsidales)
E. Larsson, Jeppson, M., Larsson, K. - H.2009Taxomomy, ecology and phylogenetic relationships of Bovista pusilla and B. limosa in North Europe
C. Scheuer1991Taphrophila (Dothideales: Tubeufiaceae) and two species of Tubeufia with dark setae
P. Clerc1987Systematics of the Usnea fragilescens aggregate and its distribution in Scandinavia
C. Gueidan2007Systematics of the lichen family Verrucariaceae and evolution of the rock-inhabiting habit within a group of ecologically diverse fungi (Chaetothyriomycetidae, Ascomycota)
J. C. Zamora, F. Calonge, deD., Hosaka, K., Martín, M. P.2014Systematics of the genus <I>Geastrum</I> (Fungi: Basidiomycota) revisited
F. A. Fernández, Miller, A. N., Huhndorf, S. M., Lutzoni, F. M., Zoller, S.2006Systematics of the genus Chaetosphaeria and its allied genera: morphological and phylogenetic diversity in north temperate and neotropical taxa


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith