
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
D. J. Hill1984Studies on the growth of lichens I. Lobe formation and the maintenance of circularity in crustose species
S. Schatz1984The life history, developmental morphology, and taxonomy of Lautitia danica gen. nov., comb. nov.
M. Corlett, Krug J. C.1984Bertia moriformis and its varieties
H. O. Kojwang, Kurkela T.1984Linospora ceuthocarpa on aspen (Populus tremula) in Finland
A. Leuchtmann1984Über Phaeosphaeria Miyake und andere bitunicate Ascomyceten mit mehrfach querseptierten Ascosporen
D. L. Hawksworth1984Observations on Jahnula Kirschst., a remarkable aquatic pyrenomycete
A. Leuchtmann1984Über Phaeosphaeria Miyake und andere bitunicate Ascomyceten mit mehrfach querseptierten Ascosporen
P. M. Kirk, Spooner B. M.1984An account of the fungi of Arran, Gigha and Kintyre
D. L. Hawksworth1984Two interesting lichenicolous hyphomycetes from Austria
H. - O. Baral1984Taxonomische und okologische Studien tiber Sarcoscypha coccinea agg., Zinnoberrote Kelchbecherlinge. (Kurzfassung)
I. M. Brodo, Vänskä H.1984Notes on the maritime, lignicolous lichen Lecanora orae-frigidae
A. Sivanesan1984The Bitunicate Ascomycetes and their Anamorphs
J. E. M. Mordue, Ainsworth G. C.1984Ustilaginales of the British Isles
P. F. Cannon, Sherwood-Pike, M. A., Hawksworth, D. L.1985The British Ascomycotina. An Annotated Checklist
Z. Pouzar1985Reassessment of Hypoxylon serpens complex I
F. Candoussau, Katumoto, K., Sherwood-Pike, M. A.1985Bambusicolous fungi from the southwest of France I. Two new species of pyrenomycetes and a new genus of the Phacidiaceae
R. Watling1985Observations of Amanita nivalis Greville
T. Schumacher, Kohn L. M.1985A monographic revision of the genus Myriosclerotinia
O. W. Purvis, James P. W.1985Lichens of the Coniston copper mines
C. T. Rogerson, Samuels G. J.1985Species of Hypomyces and Nectria occurring on discomycetes
G. Stellmacher1985Kritische Anmerkungen zur Gattung Spathularia Pers. ex Fr. (Spateling)
B. M. Spooner, Trigaux G.1985A new Encoelia (Helotiales) from Prunus spinosa in France
K. A. Seifert1985A monograph of Stilbella and some allied hyphomycetes
D. L. Hawksworth1985Kirschsteiniothelia, a new genus for the Microthelia incrustans group (Dothideales)
L. J. Spielman1985A monograph of Valsa on hardwoods in North America
R. A. Shoemaker, White G. P.1985Lasiosphaeria caesariata with Sporidesmium hormiscioides and L. triseptata with S. adscendens
D. L. Hawksworth1985A redisposition of the species referred to the ascomycete genus Microthelia
R. W. G. Dennis1986Fungi of the Hebrides
J. A. von Arx, Guarro, J., Figueras, M. J.1986The ascomycete genus Chaetomium
O. E. Eriksson, Santesson R.1986Lasiosphaeriopsis stereocaulicola
P. F. Cannon, Minter D. W.1986The Rhytismataceae of the Indian subcontinent
R. Lowen, Brady, B. L., Hawksworth, D. L., Paterson, R. R. M.1986Two New Lichenicolous Species of Hobsonia
P. F. Cannon, Minter D. W.1986The Rhytismataceae of the Indian Subcontinent.
M. A. Sherwood-Pike, Boise J. R.1986Studies in lignicolous ascomycetes: Xylopezia and Mycowinteria
T. L. Esslinger1986Studies in the lichen family Physciaceae. VII. The new genus Physciella
D. L. Hawksworth1986Notes on British lichenicolous fungi: V
P. W. Wilberforce1987A new Ceratosphaeria species on Fagus from east Kent
A. Leuchtmann1987Species of Heterosphaeria (Discomycetes) and their anamorphs
P. Clerc1987Systematics of the Usnea fragilescens aggregate and its distribution in Scandinavia
H. Mayrhofer1987Erginzende Studien zur Taxonomie der Gattung Protothelenella
E. Ruoss1987Chemotaxonomische und morphologische Unter suchungen an den Rentierflechten Cladonia arbuscula und C. mitis
J. Häffner1987Die Gattung Helvella — Morphologie und Taxonomie
P. W. James, White J. F.1987Studies on the genus Nephroma I. The European and Macaronesian species
L. Tibell1987Australasian Caliciales
E. Müller, Petrini, O., Fisher, P. J., Samuels, G. J., Rossman, A. Y.1987Taxonomy and anamorphs of the Herpotrichiellaceae with notes on generic synonymy
S. Huhtinen1987Taxonomic studies in the genera Protounguicularia, Arachnopeziza and Dematioscypha
M. A. Sherwood-Pike1987The Ostropalean fungi III: the Odontotremataceae
T. Schumacher, Sivertsen S.1987Sarcoleotia globosa (Sommerf.: Fr.) Korf, taxonomy, ecology and distribution
B. J. Coppins1987The genus Ramonia in the British Isles
F. Rappaz1987Taxonomie et nomenclature des Diatrypacées à asques octosporés (1)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith