
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
E. Llop, Gómez-Bolea A.2009The lichen genus Phylloblastia (Verrucariaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula, with a new species from Western Europe
J. Holtan-Hartwig1993The lichen genus Peltigera, exclusive of the P. canina group, in Norway
M. Kukwa2009The lichen genus Ochrolechia in the Baltic countries
M. Kukwa2009The lichen genus Ochrolechia in Poland III, with a key, and notes on some taxa
M. Kukwa2009The lichen genus Ochrolechia in Poland III with a key and notes on some taxa
R. Moberg2004The lichen genus Heterodermia in Europe and the Macaronesian islands
S. Savic, Tibell L.2008The lichen genus Henrica (Verrucariaceae, Eurotiomycetes) in northern Europe
U. Søchting, Lorentsen, L. B., Arup, U.2008The lichen genus <I>Caloplaca</I> (Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes) on Svalbard. Notes and additions
I. Martínez, Aragón G.2004The Lecanora varia group in Spain: species with amphithecial cortex
J. M. Egea, Torrente, P., Manrique, E.1993The Lecanactis grumulosa group (Opegraphaceae) in the Mediterranean region
J. Mouchacca, Gams W.1993The hyphomycete genus Cladorrhinum and its teleomorph connections
H. - Y. Zhu, Pan, M., Wijayawardene, N. N., Jiang, N., Ma, R., Dai, D. - Q., Tian, C. - M., Fan, X. - L.2021The hidden diversity of Diatrypaceous fungi in China
S. P. Abbott, Currah R. S.1997The Helvellaceae: systematic revision and occurrence in northern and northwestern North America
N. H. Nguyen, Landeros, F., Garibay-Orijel, R., Hansen, K., Vellinga, E. C.2013The Helvella lacunosa species complex in western North America: cryptic species, misapplied names and parasites
J. A. Nannfeldt1942The Geoglossaceae of Sweden (with regard also to the surrounding countries)
K. Vánky2009The genus Vankya (Urocystidaceae) revisited
J. P. Ellis1977The genus Stomiopeltis in Britain
D. Triebel, Wedin, M., Rambold, G.1997The genus Scutula (lichenicolous ascomycetes; Lecanorales): species on the Peltigera canina and P. horizontalis groups
T. Schumacher1990The genus Scutellinia (Pyronemataceae)
K. D. Hyde1992The genus Saccardoella from intertidal mangrove wood
M. Giralt, Van den Boom, P. P. G., Matzer, M.1997The genus Rinodina in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg
B. J. Coppins1987The genus Ramonia in the British Isles
J. W. Groves1967The genus Pragmopora
A. M. Fryday2005The genus Porpidia in northern and western Europe, with special emphasis on collections from the British Isles
A. H. S. Brown, Smith G.1957The genus Paecilomyces Bainier and its perfect stage Byssochlamys Westling
J. Motiejunaite, Uselienė, A., Uselis, V.2013The genus Normandina (Verrucariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Lithuania
Y. - M. Ju, Rogers J. D.2002The genus Nemania (Xylariaceae)
M. Tulloch1972The genus Myrothecium Tode ex Fr.
G. Kantvilas2009The genus Mycoblastus in the cool temperate Southern Hemisphere, with special reference to Tasmania
W. M. Jaklitsch, Voglmayr H.2020The genus Melanconis (Diaporthales)
H. K. Seth1971The genus Lophotrichus Benjamin
I. Yoshimura1971The genus Lobaria of eastern Asia
J. L. Bezerra, Kimbrough J. W.1975The genus Lasiobolus (Pezizales, Ascomycetes)
D. Malloch, Cain R. F.1971The genus Kernia
E. Timdal1984The genus Hypocenomyce (Lecanorales, Lecideaceae), with special emphasis on the Norwegian and Swedish species
D. Boertmann2010The genus Hygrocybe. 2nd revised edition
D. Boertmann2010The genus Hygrocybe
A. Sivanesan1971The genus Herpotrichia Fuckel
H. Dissing1966The genus Helvella in Europe, with special emphasis on the species found in Norden
S. P. Abbott, Currah R. S.1988The genus Helvella in Alberta
W. J Groves1965The genus Godronia
E. Boehm2009The genus Glyphium Nitschke ex Lehmann
A. M. Fryday2008The genus Fuscidea (Fuscideaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in North America
M. B. Schol-Schwarz1959The genus Epicoccum Link
A. Paz, Bellanger, J. - M., Lavoise, C., Molia, A., Ławrynowicz, M., Larsson, E., Ibarguren, I. O., Jeppson, M., Læssøe, T., Sauve, M., Richard, F., Moreau, P. - A.2017The genus Elaphomyces (Ascomycota, Eurotiales): a ribosomal DNA-based phylogeny and revised systematics of European 'deer truffles'
A. Tehler, Ertz, D., Irestedt, M.2013The genus Dirina (Roccellaceae, Arthoniales) revisited
L. E. Wehmeyer1933The genus Diaporthe Nitschke and its segregates
S. Heiömarsson2000The genus Dermatocarpon (Verrucariales, lichenized Ascomycotina) in the Nordic countries
L. Tibell1971The genus Cyphelium in Europe
E. Baloch, Döring, H., Spooner, B. M.2010The Genus Cryptodiscus in Great Britain


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith