
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
D. L. Hawksworth1979Studies in the genus Endococcus (Ascomycotina, Dothideales)
D. L. Hawksworth1980Two little-known members of the Mycocaliciaceae on polypores
D. L. Hawksworth1980Notes on some fungi occurring on Peltigera, with a key to accepted species
D. L. Hawksworth1980Notes on British lichenicolous fungi: III
D. L. Hawksworth1981The lichenicolous coelomycetes
D. L. Hawksworth1982Notes on British lichenicolous fungi: IV
D. L. Hawksworth1984Observations on Jahnula Kirschst., a remarkable aquatic pyrenomycete
D. L. Hawksworth1984Two interesting lichenicolous hyphomycetes from Austria
D. L. Hawksworth1985Kirschsteiniothelia, a new genus for the Microthelia incrustans group (Dothideales)
D. L. Hawksworth1985A redisposition of the species referred to the ascomycete genus Microthelia
D. L. Hawksworth1986Notes on British lichenicolous fungi: V
D. L. Hawksworth1989Notes on British lichenicolous fungi. VI
D. L. Hawksworth2004A fourth site for Cyphelium notarisii (Physciaceae) in Spain
D. L. Hawksworth2005Dothidea hymeniicola: an overlooked Endococcus species on Lobaria in Central America
A. Hashimoto, Matsumura, M., Hirayama, K., Tanaka, K.2017Revision of Lophiotremataceae (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes): Aquasubmersaceae, Cryptocoryneaceae, and Hermatomycetaceae fam. nov.
R. C. Harris1995More Florida Lichens, including the 10¢ Tour of the Pyrenolichens
T. C. Harrington, McNew, D., Yun, H. Y.2012Bur oak blight, a new disease on Quercus macrocarpa caused by Tubakia iowensis sp. nov.
D. Harries, Hodges, J., Theobald, T.2013The role of a local fungus recording network in conserving an internationally threatened species, Cryptomyces maximus (Willow Blister)
H. Harmaja1977A revision of the Helvella acetabulum group (Pezizales) in Fennoscandia
H. Harmaja1979Studies on cupulate species of Helvella
H. Harmaja1979Notes on Gyromitra esculenta coll. and G. recurva, a noteworthy species of western North America
H. Harmaja1979Studies on cupulate species of Helvella
K. Hansen, Schumacher, T., Skrede, I., Huhtinen, S., Wang, X. - H.2019Pindara revisited – evolution and generic limits in Helvellaceae
K. Hansen, Sandal, S. K., Dissing, H.1998New and rare species of Pezizales from calcareous woodlands in Denmark
K. Hansen, Perry, B. A., Pfister, D. H.2005Phylogenetic origins of two cleistothecial fungi, Orbicula parietina and Lasiobolidium orbiculoides, within the operculate discomycetes
K. Hansen, Perry, B. A., Dranginis, A. W., Pfister, D. H.2013A phylogeny of the highly diverse cup-fungus family Pyronemataceae (Pezizomycetes, Ascomycota) clarifies relationships and evolution of selected life history traits
K. Hansen, Læssøe, T., Pfister, D. H.2002Phylogenetic diversity in the core group of Peziza inferred from ITS sequences and morphology
K. Hansen, Laessoe, T., Pfister, D. H.2001Phylogenetics of the Pezizaceae, with an emphasis on Peziza
O. Hansen, Knudsen, H., Dissing, H., Ahti, T., Ulvinen, T., Gulden, G., Strid, A.1997Nordic Macromycetes vol. 3.: heterobasidioid, aphyllophoroid and gastromycetoid Basidiomycetes.
L. Hansen, Knudsen H.2000Nordic Macromycetes. Vol. 1. Ascomycetes.
E. S. Hansen1998Notes on some new and interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Greenland
J. - G. Han, Hosoya, T., Sung, G. - H., Shin, H. - D.2014Phylogenetic reassessment of Hyaloscyphaceae sensu lato (Helotiales, Leotiomycetes) based on multigene analyses
M. G. Halıcı, Hawksworth D. L.2008Two new species of Dacampia (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae), with a key to and synopsis of the known species of the genus
P. Halonen, Myllys, L., Velmala, S., Hyvärinen, H.2009Gowardia (Parmeliaceae)—a new alectorioid lichen genus with two species
P. Halonen, Myllys, L., Ahti, T., Petrova, O. V.1999The lichen genus Usnea in East Fennoscandia. III. The shrubby species
N. Hakelier1967Three new Swedish species of Geoglossum
M. Hairaud2007Scutellinia legaliae
J. Hafellner, Zimmermann E.2012A lichenicolous species of Pleospora (Ascomycota) and a key to the fungi invading Physcia species
J. Hafellner, Casares-Porcel M.1992Untersuchungen an den Typusarten der lichenisierten Ascomycetengattungen Acarospora und Biatorella und die daraus entstehenden Konsequenzen
J. Hafellner, Obermeyer, W., Tretiach, M.2014Miriquidica invadens, an obligate youth parasite on Sporastatia, with remarks and a key to species of the M. griseoatra group
J. Hafellner, Berger F.2000Über zwei seltene lichenicole Pilze auf Trapelia
J. Hafellner1978Catolechia Flotow ex Massalongo emend. Körber und Epilichen Clements ex Hafellner - zwei nahe verwandte Flechtengattungen
J. Hafellner1989Studien über lichenicole Pilze und Flechten VII. Über die neue Gattung Lichenochora (Ascomycetes, Phyllachorales)
J. Hafellner1993Über Funde von lichenicolen Pilzen und Flechten im südichen Norwegen
A. Guttová, Zozomová-Lihová, J., Timdal, E., Kučera, J., Slovák, M., Piknová, K., Paoli, L.2014First insights into genetic diversity and relationships of European taxa of Solenopsora (Catillariaceae, Ascomycota) with implications for their delimitation
A. Guttová2000Three Leptogium species new to Central Europe
L. D. Guo, Hyde K. D.2001Fungi from palms. XLVI. Seynesia livistonae sp. nov. (Xylariaceae) from Hong Kong
C. Gueidan, Savic, S., Thüs, H., Roux, C., Keller, C., Tibell, L., Prieto, M., Heiðmarsson, S., Breuss, O., Orange, A., Fröberg, L., Wynns, A. A., Navarro-Rosinés, P., Krzewicka, B., Pykälä, J., Grube, M., Lutzoni, F.2009Generic classification of the Verrucariaceae (Ascomycota) based on molecular and morphological evidence: recent progress and remaining challenges
C. Gueidan, Roux, C., Lutzoni, F.2007Using a multigene phylogenetic analysis to assess generic delineation and character evolution in Verrucariaceae (Verrucariales, Ascomycota)
C. Gueidan, Aptroot, A., Cáceres, M. Eda Silva, Badali, H., Stenroos, S.2014A reappraisal of orders and families within the subclass Chaetothyriomycetidae (Eurotiomycetes, Ascomycota)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith