
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
C. Y. Chen, Hsieh W. H.2004Byssosphaeria and Herpotrichia from Taiwan, with notes on the taxonomic relationship between these genera
S. M. Huhndorf, Miller, A. N., Fernández, F. A.2004Molecular systematics of the Coronophorales and new species of Bertia, Lasiobertia and Nitschkia
Y. Z. Wang, Aptroot, A., Hyde, K. D.2004Revision of the genus Amphisphaeria
M. Stasinska2004Hypocreopsis lichenoides P. Karst. (Fungi, Ascomycetes), new to Poland
C. Y. Chen, Hsieh W. H.2004Astrosphaeriella from Taiwan, including two new species
J. Fournier, Magni J. F.2004Pyrenomycetes from southwestern France
R. Moberg2004The lichen genus Heterodermia in Europe and the Macaronesian islands
C. Printzen, Kantvilas G.2004Hertelidea, genus novum Stereocaulacearum (Ascomycetes lichenisati).
F. Doveri2004Fungi Fimicoli Italici. A guide to the recognition of basidiomycetes and ascomycetes living on faecal material
O. Blanco, Crespo, A., Elix, J. A., Hawksworth, D. L., Lumbsch, H. T.2004A molecular phylogeny and a new classification of parmelioid lichens containing Xanthoparmelia-type lichenan (Ascomycota: Lecanorales)
V. Reeb, Lutzoni, F., Roux, C.2004Contribution of RPB2 to multilocus phylogenetic studies of the euascomycetes (Pezizomycotina, Fungi) with special emphasis on the lichen-forming Acarosporaceae and evolution of polyspory
D. L. Hawksworth2004A fourth site for Cyphelium notarisii (Physciaceae) in Spain
J. C. Frisvad, Samson R. A.2004Penicillium subgenus Penicillium: new taxonomic schemes, mycotoxins and other extrolites
I. Schmitt, Lumbsch H. T.2004Molecular phylogeny of the Pertusariaceae supports secondary chemistry as an important systematic character set in lichen-forming ascomycetes
F. Bungartz, Nash T. H.2004The Buellia aethalea-group in the Greater Sonoran Desert Region with reference to similar species in North America
J. Buschbom, Mueller G.2004Resolving evolutionary relationships in the lichen-forming genus Porpidia and related allies (Porpidiaceae, Ascomycota)
P. G. Ihlen2004Taxonomy of the non-yellow species of Rhizocarpon (Rhizocarpaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in the Nordic countries, with hyaline and muriform ascospores
delCarmen M. Molina, Crespo, A., Blanco, O., Lumbsch, H. T., Hawksworth, D. L.2004Phylogenetic relationships and species concepts in Parmelia s. str. (Parmeliaceae) inferred from nuclear ITS rDNA and beta-tubulin sequences
I. Martínez, Aragón G.2004The Lecanora varia group in Spain: species with amphithecial cortex
A. Thell, Feuerer, T., Kärnefelt, I., Myllys, L., Stenroos, S.2004Monophyletic groups within the Parmeliaceae identified by ITS rDNA, β-tubulin and GAPDH sequences
B. D. Ryan, Nash, T. H., Hafellner, J.2004Protoparmelia
C. Kainz, Rambold G.2004 A phylogenetic study of the lichen genus Protoblastenia (Lecanorales, Psoraceae) in Central Europe
S. Huhtinen, Ruotsalainen J.2004Notes on the taxonomy and occurrence of some species of Gyromitra in Finland
P. Diederich2004Abrothallus
D. L. Hawksworth, Atienza, V., Cole, M. S.2004Lichenicolous species of Homostegia (Dothideomycetes), with the description of H. hertelii sp. nov., a new fungus on Flavoparmelia species
A. Y. Rossman, Aime, M. C., Farr, D. F., Castlebury, L. A., Peterson, K. R., Leahy, R.2004The coelomycetous genera Chaetomella and Pilidium represent a newly discovered lineage of inoperculate discomycetes
G. J. M. Verkley, Crous, P. W., Groenewald, J. Z., Braun, U., Aptroot, A.2004Mycosphaerella punctiformis revisited: morphology, phylogeny, and epitypification of the type species of the genus Mycosphaerella (Dothideales, Ascomycota)
M. Stadler, Wollweber, H., Fournier, J.2004A host-specific species of Hypoxylon from France, and notes on the chemotaxonomy of the 'Hypoxylon rubiginosum complex.'
J. Fournier, Magni J. F.2004Hypoxylon multiforme
P. Navarro-Rosinés, Calatayud, V., Hafellner, J.2004Cercidospora
M. Grube, Baloch, E., Arup, U.2004A phylogenetic study of the Lecanora rupicola group (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota)
C. Roux, Sérusiaux E.2004Le genre Strigula (Lichens) en Europe et en Macaronésie
M. Réblová, Seifert K. A.2004Cryptadelphia (Trichosphaeriales), a new genus for holomorphs with Brachysporium anamorphs and clarification of the taxonomic status of Wallrothiella
L. A. Castlebury, Farr, D. F., Rossman, A. Y., Jaklitsch, W.2003Diaporthe angelicae comb. nov., a modern description and placement of Diaporthopsis in Diaporthe
K. Tanaka, Harada Y.2003Pleosporales in Japan (1): the genus Lophiostoma
M. P. S. Câmara, Ramaley, A. W., Castlebury, L. A., Palm, M. E.2003Neophaeosphaeria and Phaeosphaeriopsis segregates of Paraphaeosphaeria
S. Alderman2003Diversity and speciation in Claviceps
P. van den Boom, Brand M.2003Verrucaria squamulosa, a new species from Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands (lichenized ascomycetes, Verrucariales).
J. Issakainen, Jalava, J., Hyvönen, J., Sahlberg, N., Pirnes, T., Campbell, C. K.2003Relationships of Scopulariopsis based on LSU rDNA sequences
A. M. Ainsworth2003Report on hazel gloves Hypocreopsis rhododendri, a UK BAP ascomycete fungus. English Nature Research Reports no. 541
K. Schubert, Ritschel, A., Braun, U.2003A monograph of Fusicladium (Hyphomycetes)
L. Myllys, Stenroos, S., Thell, A., Ahti, T.2003Phylogeny of bipolar Cladonia arbuscula and Cladonia mitis (Lecanorales, Euascomycetes)
J. Vesterholt2003Keys to species of the Sclerotiniaceae [in Danish]
R. J. C. Bronckers2003Een sleutel tot de Europese soorten de genera Trichophaea, Trichophaeopsis en Paratrichophaea
A. M. Ainsworth2003Report on the marsh honey fungus Armillaria ectypa, a UK BAP species (ENRR540)
G. Helms, Friedl, T., Rambold, G.2003Phylogenetic relationships of the Physciaceae inferred from rDNA sequence data and selected phenotypic characters
G. Robich2003Mycena d'Europa Volume: 1
F. S. Dobson2003Sitting down with Cyphelium notarisii
B. Goffinet, Miadlikowska, J., Goward, T.2003Phylogenetic inferences based on nrDNA sequences support five morphospecies within the Peltigera didactyla complex (lichenized Ascomycota)
V. Atienza, Calatayud, V., Hawksworth, D. L.2003Notes on the genus Polycoccum (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae) in Spain, with a key to the species


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith