
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
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O. W. Purvis, Fernández-Brime, S., Westberg, M., Wedin, M.2018Myriospora, a genus newly reported for Antarctica with a worldwide key to the species
D. W. Minter, Aguirre-Hudson, M. B., Cannon, P. F.2015Naetrocymbe nitescens
C. Roux2009Naetrocymbe saxicola, likeno kun Trentepohlia
N. Hutchinson2010National Action Plan - Hygrocybe spadicea (Date-coloured Waxcap)
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M. P. S. Câmara, Ramaley, A. W., Castlebury, L. A., Palm, M. E.2003Neophaeosphaeria and Phaeosphaeriopsis segregates of Paraphaeosphaeria
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E. Baloch, Lumbsch, H. T., Lücking, R., Wedin, M.2013New combinations and names in Gyalecta for former Belonia and Pachyphiale (Ascomycota, Ostropales) species
A. Y. Rossman, Allen, W. C., Castlebury, L. A.2016New combinations of plant-associated fungi resulting from the change to one name for fungi
M. Réblová, Stepánek V.2009New fungal genera, Tectonidula gen. nov. for Calosphaeria-like fungi with holoblastic-denticulate conidiogenesis and Natantiella gen. nov. for three species segregated from Ceratostomella
M. Réblová, Stepánek V.2009New fungal genera, Tectonidula gen. nov. for Calosphaeria-like fungi with holoblastic-denticulate conidiogenesis and Natantiella gen. nov. for three species segregated from Ceratostomella
M. Réblová, Mostert, L., Gams, W., Crous, P. W.2004New genera in the Calosphaeriales: Togniniella and its anamorph Phaeocrella, and Calosphaeriophora as anamorph of Calosphaeria
M. Réblová, Mostert, L., Gams, W., Crous, P. W.2004New genera in the Calosphaeriales: Togniniella and its anamorph Phaeocrella, and Calosphaeriophora as anamorph of Calosphaeria
P. P. G. Van den Boom2009New Halecania species (Catillariaceae) from Europe and South America
M. P. Nelsen, Lücking, R. T., Mbatchou, J. S., Andrew, C. J., Spielmann, A. A., Lumbsch, H. T.2011New insights into relationships of lichen-forming Dothideomycetes
M. Réblová2011New insights into the systematics and phylogeny of the genus Jattaea and similar fungi of the Calosphaeriales
B. McCune, Rosentreter R.2014New lichen records from Oregon to Alaska in North America
P. Diederich, Lawrey, J. D., Capdet, M., Pereira, S., Romero, A. I., Etayo, J., Flakus, A., Sikaroodi, M., Ertz, D.2014New lichen-associated bulbil-forming species of Cantharellales (Basidiomycetes)
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M. P. Zhurbenko, Braun, U., Heuchert, B., Kobzeva, A. A.2015New Lichenicolous Hyphomycetes from Eurasia
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G. Weerakoon, Aptroot, A., Lumbsch, H. T., Wolseley, P. A., Wijeyaratne, S. C., Gueidan, C.2012New molecular data on Pyrenulaceae from Sri Lanka reveal two well-supported groups within this family
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M. Eichler, Cezanne, R., Diederich, P., Ertz, D., van den Broeck, D., van den Boom, P., Sérusiaux, E.2010New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France. XIII
P. Diederich, Ertz, D., Eichler, M., Cezanne, R., Van den Boom, P. P. G., Fischer, E., Killmann, D., van den Broeck, D., Sérusiaux, E.2012New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France. XIV
M. Kukwa, Jabłońska A.2008New or interesting records of lichenicolous fungi from Poland VI
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith