
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
S. B. K. Bengtsson, Vasaitis, R., Kirisits, T., Solheim, H., Stenlid, J.2012Population structure of Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus and its genetic relationship to Hymenoscyphus albidus
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P. F. Cannon2010Polycoccum pulvinatum
M. Zhurbenko, Dillman K.2010Polycoccum hymeniicola comb. nov. (Dacampiaceae) and other interesting lichenicolous fungi from southeastern Alaska
O. L. Gilbert, Coppins, B. J., James, P. W.2009Polychidium
A. Orange, Purvis, O. W., James, P. W.2009Polyblastia
K. Tanaka, Ooki, Y., Hatakeyama, S., Harada, Y., Barr, M. E.2005Pleosporales in Japan (5): Pleomassaria, Asteromassaria, and Splanchnonema
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T. Duke, Purvis O. W.2009Platismatia
O. L. Gilbert, James P. W.2009Placynthium
O. Breuss2009Placidium
O. Breuss2009Placidiopsis
L. N. Vasil'eva1983Pirenomitsety i Lokuloaskomitsety Severa Dal'nego Vostoka
K. Hansen, Schumacher, T., Skrede, I., Huhtinen, S., Wang, X. - H.2019Pindara revisited – evolution and generic limits in Helvellaceae
A. M. Coppins, Purvis, O. W., Coppins, B. J.2009Pilophorus
H. Kern1961Physiologische und systematische Untersuchungen in der Gattung Leucostoma
B. Edwards, Coppins B. J.2009Physconia
M. Giralt2010Physciaceae I. Endohyalina, Rinodina y Rinodinella
D. W. Minter, Cannon P. F.2013Physcia tribacioides
B. W. Edwards, Coppins B. J.2009Physcia
B. Edwards, Coppins B. J.2009Physcia
M. Prieto, Wedin M.2016Phylogeny, taxonomy and diversification events in the Caliciaceae
B. Moncada, Lücking, R., Betancourt-Macuase, L.2013Phylogeny of the Lobariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigerales), with a reappraisal of the genus Lobariella
S. Stenroos, Hyvönen, J., Myllys, L., Thell, A., Ahti, T.2002Phylogeny of the genus Cladonia (Cladoniaceae, Ascomycetes) inferred from molecular, morphological, and chemical data
S. Stenroos, Hyvönen, J., Myllys, L., Thell, A., Ahti, T.2002Phylogeny of the genus Cladonia s. lat. (Cladoniaceae, Ascomycetes) inferred from molecular, morphological, and chemical data
L. Myllys, Velmala, S., Holien, H., Halonen, P., Wang, L. -s., Goward, T.2011Phylogeny of the genus Bryoria
M. Westberg, Millanes, A. M., Knudsen, K., Wedin, M.2015Phylogeny of the Acarosporaceae (Lecanoromycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi) and the evolution of carbonized ascomata
E. C. A. Abeln, de Pagter, M. A., Verkley, G. J. M.2000Phylogeny of Pezicula, Dermea and Neofabraea inferred from partial sequences of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene cluster
K. Tanaka, Endo, M., Hirayama, K., Okane, I., Hosoya, T., Sato, T.2011Phylogeny of Discosia and Seimatosporium, and introduction of Adisciso and Immersidiscosia genera nova
M. Réblová, Winka K.2000Phylogeny of Chaetosphaeria and its anamorphs based on morphological and molecular data
L. Myllys, Stenroos, S., Thell, A., Ahti, T.2003Phylogeny of bipolar Cladonia arbuscula and Cladonia mitis (Lecanorales, Euascomycetes)
Q. - T. Wang, Guo, M. - J., Lv, T., Zhou, H., Wang, S., Wang, S. - J., Lin, Y. - R., Gronefeld, S., Kirschner, R., Piepenbring, M., Hofmann, T. A., Cannon, P. F., Hou, C. - L.2023Phylogeny and taxonomy of Rhytisma-like species worldwide
P. W. Crous, Braun, U., Wingfield, M. J., Wood, A. R., Shin, H. D., Summerell, B. A., Alfenas, A. C., Cumagun, C. J. R., Groenewald, J. Z.2009Phylogeny and taxonomy of obscure genera of microfungi
M. Réblová, Nekvindová, J., Miller, A. N.2021Phylogeny and taxonomy of Catenularia and similar fungi with catenate conidia
A. Nordin, Savic, S., Tibell, L.2010Phylogeny and taxonomy of Aspicilia and Megasporaceae
C. Salgado-Salazar, Rossman, A. Y., Samuels, G. J., Hirooka, Y., Sanchez, R. M., Chaverri, P.2015Phylogeny and taxonomic revision of Thelonectria discophora (Ascomycota, Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) species complex
A. Vizzini, Lantieri, A., Medardi, G., Ercole, E., Cacialli, G.2016Phylogeny and morphology of the Peziza ammophila complex (Pezizales, Ascomycota), with description of two new species and a new form
K. M. Thambugala, Camporesi, E., Ariyawansa, H. A., Phookamsak, R., Liu, Z. - Y., Hyde, K. D.2014Phylogeny and morphology of Phaeosphaeriopsis triseptata sp. nov., and Phaeosphaeriopsis glaucopunctata
E. Baloch, Gilenstam, G., Wedin, M.2009Phylogeny and classification of Cryptodiscus, with a taxonomic synopsis of the Swedish species
A. M. Millanes, Diederich, P., Ekman, S., Wedin, M.2011Phylogeny and character evolution in the jelly fungi (Tremellomycetes, Basidiomycota, Fungi)
J. Luo, Qiu, H., Cai, G., Wagner, N. E., Bhattacharya, D., Zhang, N.2015Phylogenomic analysis uncovers the evolutionary history of nutrition and infection mode in rice blast fungus and other Magnaporthales
K. Hansen, Laessoe, T., Pfister, D. H.2001Phylogenetics of the Pezizaceae, with an emphasis on Peziza
A. M. C. Tang, Jeewon, R., Hyde, K. D.2007Phylogenetic utility of protein (RPB2, b-tubulin) and ribosomal (LSU, SSU) gene sequences in the systematics of Sordariomycetes (Ascomycota, Fungi)
J. Sánchez-Ballesteros, González, V., Salazar, O., Acero, J., Portal, M. A., Julián, M., Rubio, V., Bills, G. F., Polishook, J. D., Platas, G., Mochales, S., Peláez, F.2000Phylogenetic study of Hypoxylon and related genera based on ribosomal ITS sequences
S. Fernández-Brime, Llimona, X., Lutzoni, F., Gaya, E.2013Phylogenetic study of Diploschistes (lichen-forming Ascomycota: Ostropales: Graphidaceae), based on morphological, chemical, and molecular data
M. Prieto, Martínez, I., Aragón, G., Otálora, M. A. G., Lutzoni, F.2010Phylogenetic study of Catapyrenium s. str. (Verrucariaceae, lichen-forming Ascomycota) and related genus Placidiopsis
M. Westberg, Arup, U., Kärnefelt, I.2007Phylogenetic studies in the Candelariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) based on nuclear ITS DNA sequence data


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith