
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
B. Perić2012Une espèce nouvelle du genre Kotlabaea (Pezizales), K. benkertii sp. nov.
J. Etayo, Navarro-Rosinés P.2008Una combinación y tres especies nuevas de Lichenochora (Phyllachorales, ascomicetes liquenícolas), y notas adicionales para el género
C. J. B. Hitch, Purvis O. W.2009Umbilicaria
Anon.2010UK priority species pages – Tulostoma niveum. Version 2
B. Roca-Valiente, Hawksworth, D. L., Pérez-Ortega, S., Sancho, L. G., Crespo, A.2016Type studies in the Rhizocarpon geographicum group (Rhizocarpaceae, lichenized Ascomycota)
A. Orange2009Two parasitic species of Placopyrenium ( Verrucariaceae) from freshwater habitats in north-west Europe
G. J. Samuels, Seifert K. A.1991Two new species of Nectria with Stilbella and Mariannaea anamorphs
M. G. Halıcı, Hawksworth D. L.2008Two new species of Dacampia (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae), with a key to and synopsis of the known species of the genus
T. Ahti, Aptroot A.2009Two new species of Cladonia from the Azores
M. Westberg, Morse, C. A., Wedin, M.2011Two new species of Candelariella and a key to the Candelariales (lichenized Ascomycetes) in North America
P. P. G. Van den Boom, Brand, A. M., Coppins, B. J., Sérusiaux, E.2017Two new species in the Micarea prasina group from Western Europe
P. van den Boom, Etayo J.2001Two new sorediate species of lichens in the Catillariaceae from the Iberian Peninsula
J. Fisher, Petrini O.1983Two new pyrenomycetes from submerged wood
A. Orange2014Two new or misunderstood species related to Verrucaria praetermissa (Verrucariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota)
R. Lowen, Brady, B. L., Hawksworth, D. L., Paterson, R. R. M.1986Two New Lichenicolous Species of Hobsonia
P. Diederich, van den Boom P.2013Two new lichenicolous species of Hainesia (asexual Ascomycetes) growing on Cladonia
S. Boonmee, Ko, T. W. K., Chukeatirote, E., Hyde, K. D., Chen, H., Cai, L., McKenzie, E. H. C., Jones, E. B. G., Kodsueb, R., Hassan, B. A.2012Two new Kirschsteiniothelia species with Dendryphiopsis anamorphs cluster in Kirschsteiniotheliaceae fam. nov.
J. C. Lendemer, Buck, W. R., Harris, R. C.2016Two new host-specific hepaticolous species of Catinaria (Ramalinaceae)
P. F. Cannon1997Two new genera of Ascomycota, and other new or interesting fungi from Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve and its environs
S. M. Huhndorf, Greif, M., Mugambi, G. K., Miller, A. N.2008Two new genera in the Magnaporthaceae, a new addition to Ceratosphaeria and two new species of Lentomitella
M. Réblová1996Two new Capronia species from the Czech Republic
R. W. G. Dennis1969Two new British discomycetes with smooth spherical ascospores
C. Printzen, Holien, H., Etayo, J.1998Two new Biatora species from western Norway and Madeira
D. L. Hawksworth1980Two little-known members of the Mycocaliciaceae on polypores
D. L. Hawksworth1984Two interesting lichenicolous hyphomycetes from Austria
L. E. Kers1978Tulostoma niveum sp. nov. (Gasteromycetes), described from Sweden
P. F. Cannon1999Tubeufia cerea
P. F. Cannon, Minter D. W.2015Trichoglossum walteri
A. Fletcher, Hawksworth D. L.2009Tremolecia
O. W. Purvis, Smith C. W.2009Trapeliopsis Hertel & Gotth. Schneid. (1980)
O. W. Purvis, Coppins, B. J., Wolseley, P. A., Fletcher, A.2009Trapelia
A. G. Fedosova, Popov, E. S., Lizoň, P., Kučera, V.2018Towards an understanding of the genus Glutinoglossum with emphasis on the Glutinoglossum glutinosum species complex ( Geoglossaceae, Ascomycota)
X. - Z. Liu, Wang, Q. - M., Göker, M., Groenewald, M., Kachalkin, A. V., Lumbsch, H. T., Millanes, A. M., Wedin, M., Yurkov, A. M., Boekhout, T., Bai, F. - Y.2015Towards an integrated phylogenetic classification of the Tremellomycetes
X. Zhao, Leavitt, S. D., Zhao, Z. T., Zhang, L. L., Arup, U., Grube, M., Pérez-Ortega, S., Printzen, C., Śliwa, L., Kraichak, E., Divakar, P. K., Crespo, A., Lumbsch, H. T.2016Towards a revised generic classification of lecanoroid lichens (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota) based on molecular, morphological and chemical evidence
Y. Zhang, Wang, H. K., Fournier, J., Crous, P. W., Jeewon, R., Pointing, S. B., Hyde, K. D.2009Towards a phylogenetic classification of Lophiostoma/Massarina and morphologically similar genera in the Pleosporales
D. Ertz, Miadlikowska, J., Lutzoni, F., Dessein, S., Raspé, O., Vigneron, N., Hofstetter, V., Diederich, P.2009Towards a new classification of the Arthoniales (Ascomycota) based on a three-gene phylogeny focussing on the genus Opegrapha
H. A. Ariyawansa, Thambugala, K. M., Kang, J. - C., Alias, S. A., Chukeatirote, E., Hyde, K. D.2014Towards a natural classification of Dothideomycetes 2: The genera Cucurbidothis, Heterosphaeriopsis, Hyalosphaera, Navicella and Pleiostomellina (Dothideomycetes incertae sedis)
C. J. B. Hitch, Timdal, E., James, P. W.2009Toninia
I. M. Wilson, Knoyle J. M.1961Three species of Didymosphaeria on marine algae: D. danica (Berlese) comb.nov., D. pelvetiana Suth. and D. fucicola Suth.
J. Fournier, Flessa, F., Peršoh, D., Stadler, M.2011Three new Xylaria species from southwestern Europe
N. Hakelier1967Three new Swedish species of Geoglossum
M. P. Zhurbenko, Triebel D.2008Three new species of Stigmidium and Sphaerellothecium (lichenicolous ascomycetes) on Stereocaulon
C. Lechat, Fournier, J., Gardiennet, A.2019Three new species of Dialonectria (Nectriaceae) from France
C. Denchev, Giraud, T., Hood, M. E.2009Three new species of anthericolous smut fungi on Caryophyllaceae
I. Promputtha, Miller A. N.2010Three new species of Acanthostigma (Tubeufiaceae, Dothideomycetes) from Great Smoky Mountains National Park
A. M. Millanes, Diederich, P., Westberg, M., Wedin, M.2016Three new species in the Biatoropsis usnearum complex
A. Guttová2000Three Leptogium species new to Central Europe
P. W. Crous, Groenewald J. Z.2016They seldom occur alone
P. W. James, Hawksworth D. L.2009Thelotrema
A. Orange2009Thelidium


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith