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Verrucaria madida
Family: VerrucariaceaeGenus: Verrucaria
Thallus dark green or dark greenish grey, thin (40–60 µm thick), smooth, uncracked, subgelatinous; cells weakly arranged in columns. Cortex with dull green pigment which is K-, HCl+ brownish, and then dull greenish but faded with addition of further K, or in part with brownish pigment. Medulla absent. Prothallus not seen.
Anamorph: not known.
Teleomorph: ascomata perithecia, forming low to moderate conic-hemispherical projections 200–420 µm diam., covered by a layer of thallus at first which is sometimes partly lost later. Perithecia 140–290 µm diam., the apex rounded to slightly flattened, black when the thalline layer has been eroded, the wall colourless or brown below. Ostiole with dull green pigment similar to that in the thallus. Involucrellum conical, or somewhat spreading at the sides and then curved down slightly. Asci broadly clavate, thick-walled especially at the apex, with rostrate dehiscence, (3–) 4 (–5)-spored. Ascospores arranged irregularly, (9–) 10·5–13·5 (–15) x (5·5–) 6–7 (–7·5) µm, length/width ratio (1·4–) 1·6–2·1 (–2·6), ellipsoidal, aseptate, hyaline, thin- and smooth-walled, without a perispore or gelatinous sheath.