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Taeniolella arthoniae
Family: Unknown familyGenus: Taeniolella
Colonies on lichen thalli and ascomata, dark to blackish brown, forming speckles or effuse, rarely somewhat floccose.
Anamorph: conidiomata absent. Conidiophores 8–80 × 2.5–6.5 (–8) μm, solitary or in small loose aggregations, erect to decumbent, straight to slightly flexuous, subcylindrical, often somewhat irregular in shape, unbranched or repeatedly branching towards the apex, occasionally also branched below, 0-13-septate, often constricted at the septa, medium to dark brown, sometimes paler towards the apex, irregularly verruculose to verrucose, rarely smooth, walls 0.5–2 μm thick, the lumen reduced, proliferating with obvious sheath-like wall remnants visible as an irregular fringe. Conidiogenous cells 3–12 μm long, little differentiated, mostly terminal, subcylindrical to doliiform or ampulliform, with one or two conidiogenous loci, the loci truncate to slightly convex, not thickened or darkened, 1.5–3 μm diam. Conidia in simple or branched chains, disarticulating or often adhering in persistent chain fragments (confusable with pluriseptate conidia), broadly ellipsoidal-ovoid, doliiform or subcylindrical, 0–1(–2)-septate, aseptate conidia 4–10 × 3–6 μm, 1-septate ones 6–15 × 3–6.5(–7.5) μm, 2-septate ones 6–15 × 5–6 μm, not or only slight constricted at the septa, pale to medium dark brown, smooth to irregularly verruculose or rugose, the outer wall sometimes splitting, the apex rounded to attenuated in primary conidia, truncate in secondary ones, base truncate to slightly convex, often attenuated.
Teleomorph: not known.
Description adapted from Heuchert et al. (2018).