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Stereocaulon evolutum
Family: StereocaulaceaeGenus: Stereocaulon
Stereocaulon evolutum
Primary thallus disappearing. Pseudopodetia 1-3 cm tall, grey, arched or prostrate, at least at the apices, forming compact cushions to 6 cm diam., irregularly branched from the base, dorsiventral. Phyllocladia flattened, deeply divided into ± cylindrical extensions, often overlapping and concealing pseudopodetia, the lower surface glabrous. Cephalodia indistinct, containing Stigonema.
Anamorph: no information available.
Teleomorph: ascomata apothecia, terminal, large, rare or absent. Hypothecium colourless.
Chemistry: thallus K+ yellow, KC+ violet, Pd+ faintly yellow, UV+ white (atranorin and lobaric acid).