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Stagonospora elegans
Family: PhaeosphaeriaceaeGenus: Stagonospora
Anamorph: conidiomata pycnidia, 600-1300 x 190-340 µm, variably but usually only slightly erumpent, the ostioles variable in size, 15-70 µm diam., sometimes surrounded by a thick black carbonaceous neck that is sometimes slightly exposed. Peridium very variable in thickness, composed of dark, almost completely occluded cells. Conidiophores absent, conidiogenous cells developing as a palisade from a layer of pale brown thin-walled angular cells to 7 µm diam. Conidiogenous cells mostly not proliferating or occasionally annelidic, shortly cylindrical. Conidia (48-) 56-79 x 9-11 µm, fusiform, (1-) 4- to 6-septate, the apex acute and the base ± truncate, hyaline, quite thin-walled, smooth, without an epispore or gelatinous sheath.
Teleomorph: not known.